The 3 Best Marketing Newsletters to Subscribe to

If you want to become better at marketing your business, you have to be willing to constantly be learning new techniques, strategies and tactics. And there’s so many places you can learn from - Social media, blogs, Tiktok (my favourite at the moment), my website (just saying). But the most convenient place is right in your inbox.

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Clementine Holman
Apple's iOS 14 update and social media ads unpacked in plain English

Rather than making you spend several hours on the internet trying to figure out what is actually going on between Apple and Facebook, here is our very simple (but pretty long) explanation on the Apple IOS update and its impact on social media in plain English. By the end, you’ll have a decent understanding of what’s happening, what’s to come and what you can do now to prepare.

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How to Find and Interpret Analytics of your LinkedIn Personal Profile Page(Updated August 2022)

Have you ever had a look at the analytics of your LinkedIn personal profile page? Do you even know where they are? That’s okay if you don’t. Because in this post I’ll go over where to find analytics for your LInkedIn personal profile page, and how to interpret them.

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5 Easy and Quick ways to optimise your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is no longer just about finding where your next pay check is going to come from. People are more and more using it not only as a networking resource, but as an information resource too. So it’s a no brainer that if you’re in the B2B space that you seriously consider LinkedIn as part of your social media mix. 

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