Hi, I’m Clem

I guess you could say I’m a content addict! I’ve been creating social media marketing and content plans and strategies for over 7 years, and doing it for businesses of all sizes.

Rather than do a super boring “here is my life and how I came to be the expert I am” page…here are some fun facts about me that you might find entertaining.

Clementine Holman - Queen Bee at Honey Bee Social
  • My full name is 29 letters long. As you can imagine, I HATED filling out any sort of paperwork back in the day

  • My first car was a 1996 Toyota Corolla, affectionately called The Green Hornet

  • I am a baker. My favourite thing to bake? Cookies.

  • My favourite TV show is Parks & Recreation. It’s my go-to when I’m feeling sad or just in a shit mood

  • I believe mushrooms are the loogies of the earth. Oysters are the loogies of the sea 🤢

  • I hated maths as a child so much, my mum put a poster at the foot of my bed that said “I ❤️ math” so it was the last thing I saw when I went to sleep, and the first thing I saw when I woke up. I still am not a fan of maths, but I at least can remember my multiplication tables

  • I’ve visited 5 of the 7 continents

  • My dream job as a child was a mermaid until I was 6. Then I wanted to be an archeologist after visiting the town of Pompeii.

  • I have no idea how I managed to dance ballet for 6 years considering how uncoordinated I am now as an adult.

  • I crossed paths with Johnny Depp in Paris. He was a very nice dude.

  • I have a stash of Peter Pan creamy peanut butter hidden in my kitchen.

  • Apricot is not pronounced “ape-ricot”. There is no e in that word.

Are we the right fit?

I’m ready and willing to work with you if you’re really passionate about your business, are open to learning about social, ready to learn what content is and how to create it. I’m ready to work with you if you’re ready to work with me, because content and marketing is a collaborative effort.

We will not be a great fit if you think marketing is just one person’s job, you think it’s a short and fast game and that shiny baubles create great marketing. We won’t be a great fit if you’re not willing to take the time to work with me so I learn as much as I can about your business, or if you think throwing money at a problem is going to fix it.

If you’re still reading this long diatribe, I’m going to venture a guess you’re interested in how I can help you. So how about you click the button below to send me an email or give me a buzz (pun intended).