The Importance of Google Maps for Small Business

You’ve got a website, a couple of social media channels, now you’re hearing you need to have and maintain yet another listing, this time on Google Maps. What’s all the hype about bloody Google Maps? If you’re a brick and mortar store that relies on foot traffic, there’s one channel you absolutely need to be on, and that is Google Maps. A study done in 2014 showed the 88% of users who searched for a business on a mobile phone would either call that business or go to its location within 24 hours. That study is already a few years old, so it would be safe to say the percentage has in fact increased since then. So let’s dive in on some of the reasons why Google Maps is so important for small business.

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It’s the navigation app for smartphone users

We all have our preferences, but Google Maps’ usage by mobile phone users by far exceeds that of Apple Maps or Waze. A study done in 2018 in the US showed that a whopping 67% of smart phone users use Google Maps for directions, with Waze coming in second and Apple Maps third. Let’s think about that for a second. We all know that Apple dominates the mobile phone market, so it would therefore be safe to say that majority of Apple users don’t use Apple Maps for their navigation. They would prefer to use Google Maps or an app that’s owned by Google (yup, Waze is owned by Google) to find directions to a particular location. 

You don't need a website to be on Google Maps

If you don’t have a website, Google Maps is the best way to help your business be found on the web. There are a lot of small mom-and-pop shops, restaurants and service providers who don’t necessarily need a website or have the resources to build and maintain a web page. They might have one social media page but that’s about it. The beauty of Google Maps is you don’t need a website to have you listing. What you do need is a physical location and phone number. If you want to make sure you’re at the top listing every time for you field, consistency is key with Google Maps. More on that below.

Google Maps is extremely important for small business as customers use it to not only search for a location but to research your brand.

It helps build SEO

If you do have a website, Google Maps helps build your SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation. The way Google’s search algorithm works is it shows results to the user that best fits the question they’ve asked in the search bar. On top of that, it also will serve that user websites it thinks has authority. One way to establish authority is to have links from reputable sites, like Google Maps, to your website. Your listing on Google Maps counts as one of those authoritative links, and having authoritative links helps boost your ranking on Google Search over time.

It’s a free way to build trust

The content you give your prospective customers is the way to prove that you’re the best at what you do. As mentioned in our previous blog, content builds that trust and credibility with your brand. Now more than ever, customers are researching products and services before making a purchase to ensure they’re getting the most value and they can trust the business. With Google Maps, customers have the opportunity to review their experience with your business, and since January 2019, users can search AND filter by Google reviews, meaning that it’s now incredibly important for customers to review your business, and for you to respond promptly to each review. The more positive reviews, the higher you’ll rank in Google Maps searches. That’s why it’s great to encourage customers to review you on Google.

The more posts, the higher you rank

You didn’t think that Google Maps would be a set and forget type of deal did you? As with social media, consistency is key. Customers on Google Maps search for businesses a variety of different ways, including “[business] major city," “[business] local suburb” or “[business] near me”. Google’s job is to give them the best results that match their search query. Posting images of your business on a consistent basis lets Google know you’re an active location, which in turn drives your listing up the results ladder. Customers can also post images of your business, but you shouldn’t just rely on them to create this consistency. Post up new dishes or a new menu, or a smiling team photo. Customers looks at images to familiarise themselves with the business, so consistently posting images (or video! yes, you can post video on your maps listing) will help boost your Maps ranking for your category. 

Google maps is not about creating “meaningful interactions” with people like social media channels are. It’s there purely to help customers find locations they’re looking for, which is why it’s so incredibly important to have your Google Maps listing claimed, updated with your latest businesses information, and you’re consistent with posting and addressing reviews. 

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