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3 Reasons why Tradies should be on LinkedIn

Tradies typically use Facebook, Instagram and also Google My Business or Google Maps within their social media marketing mix. But here in Australia, it doesn’t seem like many tradesmen or “tradies” as we call them are taking advantage of LinkedIn. Maybe they think it’s out of their league, or just a channel that the suit and tie wearing types use. But the fact that seems to be very much forgotten is that those suit-and-tie wearing types are their potential customer base, which is why I thought it'd be worth showing my three reasons why Tradies should consider going on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the place to connect with commercial partners

By commercial partners I mean, strata managers, real estate agents, commercial construction. Anyone who works for a company that would rely on trade at some point or another. These types of clients or these potential clients are on LinkedIn, and they are actively using the network to not only gain a following for their own personal reasons and grow their network but also to find out information about industry news that's very important to them.

These types of commercial clients will eventually need a trade at one point or another during their career. So, why not go out there and show your expertise on that network especially if they are a high-networking type of job, such as procurement or labour-hire or real estate? They will be on that channel looking for information and connecting with people.

LinkedIn is the place for innovation

LinkedIn is the spot to see innovation within your trade industry. Instead of hearing about new tools or new techniques through the grapevine, LinkedIn's a great place to follow your tool suppliers and any sort of supplier that you use for your industry. Companies like Milwaukee Tools and Hilti are putting out on LinkedIn and an overwhelming amount of information on the innovations that they are coming up with, the new tools and techniques, because they are also going after their commercial client on that network. LinkedIn is the perfect place to be at the forefront of what’s new that could make your job a little easier and more efficient.

There’s little competition on LinkedIn when it comes to tradies

Just like I mentioned in the intro of this post, there are not that many Tradies that are really on LinkedIn and using it heavily, so there's not a whole lot of competition at the moment. It's a great spot for you to be on to really show off how much you know about your business and how much you know about your field, and why you love doing what you do.

Telling a story on LinkedIn is worth it. And you know what, video does incredibly well on LinkedIn too. Just make sure that when you are posting on your LinkedIn profile that your comments are appropriate and you’re not using the same rough language you would use with the team behind the scenes. LinkedIn is, after all, a professional network.

Another handy tip about LinkedIn, don't put too many hashtags on your post. Five seems to be the sweet spot in that way your post doesn't look to spammy. If you want to learn more information about hashtag research on LinkedIn, check out my video on how to do this easily and for free. Information on LinkedIn hashtags starts just at the 3:27 mark.

There's a lot of amazing content that's out there that not a whole lot of people get the opportunity to see outside of LinkedIn too. So, why don't you go on to the channel and have a look and explore a little bit? And if you've got any questions or need any more information, go ahead and connect with me if you'd like to.

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