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Is Content Creation just one person’s job in a small business?

So your small business is running smoothly and you’re getting a steady flow of traffic.

And doomsday rolls around.

It’s content planning day. And you’re running out of ideas. 

Hey, we have all been there before. You’re tired, you’ve got a million things to do and million more keep popping up. But you have to remain consistent with your content production.

So is content just one persons job within a small business? 

The answer to that is absolutely not. 

Why content creation is an all-team effort

Everyone on a building site has a specific role to fulfil in order for the structure to be built. Like the people on the building site, everyone within your business has a pivotal role to play not only in the function of your small business, but also when it comes to interacting with your customers and helping your business grow. Whether that's the cashier processing a sale for a new customer that has found your business or the packer who is packing up products into a box for a customer that's ordered something online. Or your sales rep that's out on the road, meeting new people, and trying to bring in new accounts. Each person interacts with customers a little bit differently, which means that they have a different point of view when it comes to showing your brand to your customers. That also means that they would have a different idea for content that is relevant to the stage in the process where they interact with your customers. 

Take for example the cashier, the packer and the sales rep. The cashier handles customers when they have converted, or when they are asking for a refund. They would be getting questions that you might not have already have answered somewhere, such as “how do I get a refund for this?” or “I love your product so much, I want to leave a compliment. Who can I contact?”. They might even have ideas on how to create loyalty, or why a product sells so well.

Your packer on the other hand doesn’t physically see the customer, so they’re in a pretty interesting position. They could have ideas on methods to share content in the packaging, social posts of them packing up a customer’s order, or ways to safely transport or take care of an item that you could transform in a video.

You sales rep is at the other end of the funnel, where customers might not know who you are, or know your brand and are considering your small business to solve their problem. They would be getting all sorts of questions, and ones you might not think are relevant to your brand. But pieces of content that are not directly related to your brand are still going to have huge benefits to your business. Pieces of content around a relevant product attract the cold traffic, the people who don’t know who you are, and show to them that you know your stuff.

So why is content not just your marketer or marketing team’s job? Because your marketing team is not your closest person to your customers. It's everybody involved in your business has some sort of interaction with your audience. 

How to get your team involved in content creation for your small business

So how do you get all of these content ideas together? Well, one great way of doing that is setting up a workshop. Bring in your team together into one place and get those creative juices flowing with drinks and food and maybe a couple of games. And start getting them talking about your business and what are some gaps that they see in terms of how you are showing yourself online? Or what are the top questions that your customers are asking them all the time and how would it be easy to give them a piece of information that's already printed out with the answer that they can provide the customer? 

Content generation is an all team effort. The more people you have involved in creating those content ideas, the more content you're going to have generating and the more of a content generation machine your business could become.

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