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The 3 Best Marketing Newsletters to Subscribe to

Marketing is an absolute abyss of information, and is a constant learning experience. Granted, sometimes that can be overwhelming!

If you want to become better at marketing your business, you have to be willing to constantly be learning new techniques, strategies and tactics. And there’s so many places you can learn from - Search, blogs, this Tiktok channel, my website (just saying).

But the most convenient place is right in your inbox.

Here are the three newsletters I read religiously and learn the most from.


First one is Ariyh. This newsletter arrives in your inbox once a week and takes three minutes to read. Thomas had Ariyh shows some really great tips in each newsletter that are all backed by peer-reviewed studies even shows you how to apply them to your business. No “gurus” or coaches, just actual facts.

Stacked Marketer

Number two is Stacked Marketer. This newsletter will hit your inbox every day, but it only takes you five minutes to read. Perfect email to jump into while having your morning cup of coffee. It is chock-full of stuff that is so useful from social media news, to e-commerce news, even Stacked Marketer team critiques on brand campaigns and subjects that you can talk about with your team. 

Social Media Today

And last but not least another daily newsletter.

I will put SMT read time between five and 10 minutes, depending on how many articles you click through to. 

However, and this is a big however. 

The one downside with social media today is it seems that your email address will be added to other company’s marketing lists, so be prepared to receive an influx of sales emails for crap you never remembered subscribing to. 

In saying that, this is sometimes the newsletter that I get news about social media features due for release before they're even really made public to the market. So. It's incredibly useful if you like to find out what’s coming. 

Getting nerdy and reading a few newsletters is probably the most convenient way to level up your marketing knowledge. If you know of a fantastic newsletter, drop me a line below!