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LinkedIn Leaps in Vertical Video with LinkedIn Video Watch Feed...Finally!


The Boomer Daddy of social media platforms, LinkedIn, is stepping up its game with the rollout of its own vertical video feed. It’s been testing this for months, but yours truly hasn’t had access to it until now. And I am so damn excited for this.

This should make business owners and marketers who have flat out refused to embrace video quiver in their boots, and those who have adopted vertical video into their marketing mix rejoice. Here’s everything you need to know about this new feature.

Why LinkedIn and Why Now?

With the shift in how brands interact online and Gen Z entering the workforce, LinkedIn's move into vertical video is strategic. LinkedIn’s strategy is like many Boomer Daddy’s we know. sit back, observe, and adopt if something takes traction.

Seeing the success of vertical formats on other platforms over the last few years, LinkedIn is aiming to stay relevant and cater to a generation that values quick, digestible content. This shift ensures that LinkedIn remains the go-to platform for professional growth and networking.

Gen Z is entering the workforce, and LinkedIn wants/needs to be their natural place to go to build their professional network. Because, not every gen Z’er wants to be a content creator or influencer, which makes LinkedIn having social media features that they love every more important than ever.

Known as the first place recruiters go to scout for potential candidates, LinkedIn offers a unique professional landscape that appeals to those youngins seeking corporate or other professional roles. By enhancing the platform with modern features like vertical video, LinkedIn not only stays relevant but also becomes a more engaging and essential tool for the next wave of professionals looking to make their mark.

Let’s not forget the pending TikTok Ban in the US too. LinkedIn could be positioning its video feed to attract users looking for alternative platforms that are not at the cringe level of Insta and Facebook, leveraging the moment to expand its reach in the social media landscape. This shift could help ensure that LinkedIn remains the go-to platform for professional growth and networking.

How do I find the LinkedIn Vertical Feed?

While scrolling through your LinkedIn feed, you might spot a prompt saying "view full screen" on videos. It’s on the bottom left corner of any video, just like the screenshot. Tap on it, and you're whisked away into a video-only feed. This new feature signals LinkedIn's commitment to becoming more dynamic and interactive, mirroring the successful paths paved by other social media platforms.

Why Should Small Business Marketers Care?

For small business marketers and owners, this is a cue to get serious about video content on LinkedIn. The platform's pivot towards video-centric content means:

  • Enhanced Visibility: Your videos could now a primary mode of engagement, giving you a direct line to engage with your professional audience. I’ve noticed in the last couple of months more engagement on video from 3rd tier connections than ever before.

  • Greater Engagement: Videos drive more interaction, which could lead to increased visibility and potentially more business opportunities.

Tailoring Your Content for LinkedIn's Video Feed

LinkedIn's embrace of vertical video isn't just about keeping up with trends. It's about enhancing user experience and engagement. For video-loving marketers, this means:

  • Producing high-quality, engaging videos that start strong to grab attention.

  • Focusing on professional and value-driven content that reflects your brand's voice and ethos.

  • Consdier your high-value, high-education vids from your Insta and Tiktok and post them to LinkedIn to test the waters. Why re-invent the wheel?

The feed is not going to be a mirror image of TIkTok or Instagram. So you might want to refrain from:

  • Dancing videos…anything unprofessional for that matter

  • Very low-qulity video. The camera on your phone should already be set to high recording quality

  • Quick Cuts, big subtitles, those “wait for it” videos that lead you to nothing…I haven’t seen a single one in my vertical video feed. Mind you, that’s not typical LInkedIn fashion, but many of my connections post these to LinkedIn regardless.

The Takeaway

If you're already creating video content, you're steps ahead in the game. If not, now is the time to start. LinkedIn's new video feed is a clear indicator of where professional content consumption is headed. As we see it, vertical videos on LinkedIn are not just a trend but a new staple in how we engage, inform, and inspire within our professional networks.

Embrace this change, start creating, and maybe, like me, you'll find new opportunities and insights in every frame!